Child Flu Vaccine
17 Nov 2023
It’s not too late for your child to get the flu vaccine.
Getting children vaccinated is the most effective way to reduce the risk of children getting flu and having to take time off nursery or childcare or spreading it to friends and family who are at greater risk this winter.
To help remind parents and carers about the importance of the flu vaccine, Public Health Scotland has updated the social media toolkit with assets and captions for you to share on your social media channels.
These resources encourage parents and carers to rebook their child’s vaccination appointment if they missed it.
Click here to download the social media assets. You’ll be able to download these for Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, depending what social media platforms your nursery uses.
Click here to view the social media toolkit. You’ll see wording which can be posted alongside the asset on your chosen social media platform to announce when consent forms have been sent and encourage returns by your deadline.
There is also a range of resources available on the Public Health Scotland website for children aged 2-5 including informed consent leaflets, draft SMS and email copy, briefings and videos.
All the resources, sized for different channels, are available to download here.
Please could you regularly feed these social media assets into your planned activity using the hashtag #ChildFluScot.
For more information visit
Your support is much appreciated.
Contact Information
PHS Vaccine comms
For further information please contact Public Health Scotland’s Communications Team on 0131 275 6105 or email
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